We are delighted to announce that Global Herbs Blog Stars and Sponsored Riders, Becci Leigh Harrold and Laura Keeley have been nominated and selected as finalists for an equestrian social media award.
The PagePlay ESMA were designed to allow fans and followers of UK and Irish businesses, brands and professionals to shout about who they felt really flew the flag for the equestrian industry.
Both Becci, a 20 year-old event rider from Derbyshire, and Laura, a nineteen year old event rider from South Lincolnshire have become finalists in the Amateur Rider category of the awards.
To vote for the Global Herbs sponsored riders, or in any of the other categories, please click here.
To find your nearest stockist of Global Herbs product visit www.globalherbs.co.uk or call 01243 773363.

Team Global Herbs Riders Nominated for ESMA

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