Fight the Winter blues with Restore…

Fight the January blues with Restore – The Detoxifier!!!
Help your horse ‘Feel Great’

A liver tonic which revives, helps with movement, and supports general condition and brightness. Results seen in a few days. This formula often enriches the colour of a horse’s coat as the digestion improves.
Use if you want your horse to look like and be a ‘picture of health’. Feed to horses that are in poor condition or are listless despite good feeding and worming.

Routinely use Restore at each change of season – 4 times yearly. We recommend a regular course every 2-3 months for competing horses and the elderly. For those those horses that need constant help it can be used continuously.

Restore can help with changes of feed, and is an excellent aid to convalescence, the work of your vet and for generally assisting energy and performance. Restore is often essential in support of our other herbal products as it aids the digestion and absorption.

“I wanted to say thank you for the amazing results that Restore has had on my horses. My 8 year old TB had liver damage and was very poorly. After just two days on a high dose of Restore he was showing signs of being better and behaving more like his cheeky self! You have to use it to believe the massive difference that it can make to your horse.

This product is now part of my feeding routine prior to winter and coming into the spring. It really improves their wellbeing and their coat condition. I use Restore for my horse and Donkeys and my horse Trooper is on Alpha Bute all the time for his joints and I would highly recommend your products to anyone.”


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