Be prepared for the pollen season!

POLLENEX POWDER & SYRUP – Great for runny eyes, sore throats, head tossing and nose running.

For the clearest breathing:

PolleneX is a combination of tropical herbs that assists with breathing where there is difficulty with dust or pollen. Our syrup version is better for fussy feeders. The product helps keep airways open and clear when horses have become irritated by something in the air e.g. dust or pollen – specifically when dust is causing a problem in stables.

Also for use when horses are exposed to high levels of pollen in spring and summer e.g. rape seed, hedgerows, tree, specifically when your horse tosses its head in summer months and after horses have recovered from viral problems – gives nutritional support. (May combine with ImmuPlus)

Facebook Comment – Angela Dean: “This is really good – works well in the spring”

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