Monthly Archives: August 2012

Testimonial: Katie Balmer and Blaze

“I bought my first horse about 8 months ago. His name is Blaze and he is an Irish Sport Horse. He found it incredibly hard to keep his weight on through the summer and winter, no matter how much he ate. His coat was dull and he had many rub marks where his hair just wasn’t growing back.
He was very uptight and seemed unhappy most of the time. After about 6 months of this I decided to look for a solution. After searching for answers, I came across Global Herb products.
I bought a tub of GlobalVite on a whim and thinking “It’s probably not going to work, but it’s worth a try!” After 2 months of feeding him the recommended amount, he looks incredible!
I haven’t had to worry about his weight which is a massive relief! All hair that was missing has grown back and it’s in wonderful condition and is gleaming. He seems so much happier and has relaxed an awful lot.
Thank goodness for GlobalVite! Thank you so much Global Herbs!” Katie Balmer

Minerals are essential for skin when your horse is out at grass.

The specially formulated minerals, including zinc, are highly absorbable and about as close as you can get to the nutrients that your horse gets from its food.

  • Equine Mineral Supplement
  • Chelated Minerals
  • Highly Absorbable
  • Supports Natural Defences
  • Maintains Top Condition
  • Supports the Immune System

Testimonial: Sarah Beighton and Buzz

“This is my 6 year old welsh/Arab. I rescued him as a 3 year old stallion. He was found with two mares and two foals which were his. I had him castrated once he was strong enough but I knew that as a used stallion he would always be riggy, and I was right.

He was lovely to break in and a real friendly character towards people. However he is turned out alone and mares are a no no. A Shetland at the yard who is a mare ventured in his field one day and boy she made a quick run for it as he tried to mount her.

Unfortunately that’s all he thinks about…. Until one day I was reading about rig calm. I decided to give it a go. The reviews were very good. After two weeks I had the shock of my life… Little Rosie who had kept her distance of buzz was in his field, and they were grazing side by side. I panicked to begin with she’s old and obviously much smaller, but the minutes turned to hours and then I noticed them both in the field shelter. Well Rosie is now a regular visitor to Buzz’s field and it’s been almost a month and things are going from strength to strength.

I hope one day with the help of Rig Calm retraining his urges he could become a normal horse again with lots of friends. Thanks Global Herbs for giving my boy a friend.” Sarah Beighton.

Calms geldings and stallions

RigCalm is a product designed to help in the management of excitable male horses. It works quickly and effectively and can be used in the long and short term. It is particularly useful for geldings that are showing too much interest in mares and are displaying ’riggy’ type behaviour.

  • In oversexed geldings
  • Stallions not used for breeding which are kept with or competing with mares
  • Colts that have become difficult to manage


Sponsored Rider Update: Laura Geary – Featured Products: GlobalVite, MuscleUp & Tendoneaze

“Sadly due to the recent weather our last event at BCA was cancelled, but we managed to get a late entry into the open novice section at Tweseldown.

We had a good day there, we had a dressage of 28, since being on Global Herbs products, Dinero has been moving and looking very well. Sadly we had the last jump down in the show jumping, but we were still pleased as he jumped very well over the rest of the course.

We then had a clear cross country, however we did have 13.6 time penalties but we think the time must have been faster than usual as it was the fastest I had been cross country and there were many people who had even more time penalties than me! Despite this we still managed to come 8th out of 40 starters in a very competitive section.

We are going to do a couple more novices (providing it doesn’t rain too much) and then I would like to move up to cic*, in preparation for the end of the season where I have qualified for the cciJ* at Weston Park International.” Laura Geary

Pictures below: Laura Geary and Dinero at Borde Hill – May 2012

Laura uses GlobalVite, Muscle Up and Tendoneaze with Dinero.

MUSCLEUP – Get top-line FAST

This product is based on fenugreek and some call it ‘Turbo-Fenugreek’. Fenugreek seeds can also be useful but this is a far superiour approach. It can be used just to improve general condition or to enhance the natural conformation of top competition horses

GLOBALVITE – Minerals are essential for skin when your horse is out at grass.

The specially formulated minerals, including zinc, are highly absorbable and about as close as you can get to the nutrients that your horse gets from its food

TENDONEAZE – Another amazing solution and ‘life-line’

It provides the building blocks necessary for rebuilding tissue and helps soothe and calm areas at risk. It is antioxidant, provides minerals for growth and helps with circulation to all areas

Sponsored Rider Update: Lucy Badham – Featured Product: SupaHOOF

“Unfortunatly he didn’t go as well as usual at Hickstead, but I ran out of supplements last week and I actually think that’s why. Just goes to show they really do work!”

Below are pictures of Krunchie’s feet before and after using SupaHOOF:

For Hooves ‘you would not believe’. Economical and fast acting

SupaHOOF is taken from plants that grow on the open African and Asian Savannah lands that horses love. It is still best if your horse can have access to as diverse grazing land as possible but SupaHOOF can make all the difference.

  • Intensively if you are not happy about your horses foot condition.
  • Routinely, even if your horses hooves are not too bad. The extra minerals will help with lots of other parts of the body like the joints.
  • For young stock to make sure they grow up correctly
