Monthly Archives: September 2012

Rachael Stokes and Zarina’s story: Shakefree

Thank you to Rachael who sent us this great testimonial for Shakefree. Read her story below.

“I have recently started using Global Herbs Shakefree Liquid for my horse Zarina.  She has a real aversion to flies, and during the summer period when I am riding she will spend a lot of her time distracted, twitching or throwing her head to avoid them.  We have tried all sorts of things to prevent this, potent fly repellents, fly ears, nose nets, Vaseline and Vicks on the end of her nose – none of which seemed to make the slightest bit of difference.  Some evenings at the end of my tether I would resign to the indoor arena in an attempt to get some constructive work done.

Hacking out would be stressful instead of a relaxing experience and at competitions the overall picture of my lovely horse would be ruined by the constant twitching distraction.  As the eventing season takes place over the summer period, you can imagine how this has been an additional worry when competing – believe it or not to avoid the flies we often prayed for wind and rain!!

However, since putting her on Shakefree I cannot get over the difference in her.  I have been able to school outside without her getting irate or upset, we have gone on long hacks without her desperately trying to jog home launching her head about to rid of the things, and just generally she has been much happier in the field without mithering about at the gate wanting to get back inside.  As a fussy eater the liquid suits her much better and I really cannot recommend it enough – you could tell the difference within days of her being on it. ”


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Global Herbs Best Condition Class

Here’s the winner of the September Global Herbs Horse Shows Online Best Condition class – Angela Murphy’s 23 year old ‘Connemara Heather’. Congratulations Angela!

Each month, we sponsor a Horse Shows Online Best Condition class, offering a bottle of our fantastic Flax Oil to the winner. The class will be judged relative to age, and the sorts of things the judges will be looking for will be good skin and coat condition, shine, muscle tone and definition and an alert and happy looking horse. They will be using different judges each month to avoid any favourites of “type”.

Flax oil is a well known source of important omega oils in as good a balance as is possible from one plant. It is great for skin condition, body defences and suppleness. You don’t even need to feed it every day to get all the wonderful benefits from this fine product.



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Sarc-Ex: Helen Roberts’ Story

Matty, my handsome Welsh Section D, is 15 now and first had sarcoids treated at the age of 6. I bought him when he was 9, against the advice of many ‘friends’. Over the years a few sarcoids have started to grow fairly slowly – he had one initially banded and then treated with Liverpool cream.

This spring/summer however the growth rate went up exponentially, on his groin, between his front legs and on his ear.  There was a mixture of virtually every type of sarcoid that is recognized and they were chaining.

The view from Liverpool was that nothing more could be done by way of veterinary intervention. My vet however recommended Sarc-Ex. I was wary, having tried various other herbal treatments to no avail, but decided I would give it a try. For three months nothing much happened, certainly for the first two months I would say they continued to grow. But now, at just shy of 4 months on Sarc-Ex the sarcoids are shrinking. My week by week photo records show me how much they are shrinking and in the case of one ‘golf ball’ under the skin you can see it reducing in size day by day. When the vet came on Friday for his vaccinations she was really impressed with how much smaller they were.

I am truly amazed – I really didn’t think anything could achieve what Sarc-Ex is doing for Matty’s sarcoids. The other great thing is the impact on his general health. As well as (his first love) showjumping, I do also show him in both M&M and riding Club horse classes. He’s won his classes and the overall championship the last two times out and in both cases the 2 judges who have seen him on a number of occasions over the last 6 years have both said they have never seen him looking so well – the only change to his routine or feed is Sarc-Ex…so than you for that too.

Matty is my hero horse, a superstar loved by all who ever meet him. To have found something that is enabling him to fight his sarcoids is, without wanting to sound too cheesy, a dream come true!

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Sponsored rider update: Sarah Gadd

Check out the latest update from one of our fantastic sponsored riders, Sarah Gadd. Photo Credit: Ultimate Images

“Just wanted to give you a quick results update after a very busy weekend at Firle Place International Horse Trials with both horses competing. It was my last chance to try and qualify for the Lycetts Young Horse Championships with Milli and although we didn’t qualify I am so pleased with how she has gone this year considering her young age.

We got a dressage of 31.5 and then jumped a super clear SJ, just as the rain started. By the time we changed clothes and boots it was chucking it down! Milli didn’t seem to mind and she jumped a great round, going straight over all the difficult fences and jumping into the water, which s something she hasn’t done before! However we were caught out a fence 9, a simple log fence with a tight turn on landing as after the tight turn there was a field full of black and brown cows which Milli thought were obviously going to eat her! Bless her.

Although I am disappointed that we didn’t qualify this year, I am so pleased with how well she has evented, especially as she is my first home bred event horse that I have produced from scratch myself! Roll on 2013……….

I had hoped to get Roxie entered into the 1* at Firle but the closed the 1* entries early resulting in there only being spaces left in the Novice sections. Roxie travelled to the event really well, and was much more settled when we arrived and warmed up for the dressage really well. She continued to stay calm and performed a lovely test to score 34….5th after dressage in a big arena! GREAT 🙂

She then jumped a super round SJ, partly due to the purchase of a new SJ saddle purchased last week. She stayed in a lovely rhythm all the way around and all the grid work exercises I have been doing over verticals has made her much neater over the fences. Unfortunately we finished with 8 faults as she didn’t jump wide enough of fence 10a, taking the back rail down and the rushing slightly so tapping 10c as well… annoying! A lovely round turned into 8 faults at the last fence!

Anyway, now for the XC and after her being slightly too enthusiastic at Chilham I decided I would let her run at her own speed but not push her too fast as she tends to get a big adrenaline rush and not listen then! She was very polite and made the course feel easy and we took all the direct routes everywhere.

When I went to the score board I saw we got 6 time faults for going too fast… didn’t feel fast but where she was very polite and didn’t waste any time preparing for the fences as opposed to her fighting with me at previous events!  I think sorting her hormones out with the FriskyMare plus has worked amazing results and I can’t thank Global Herbs enough for making such a fantastic supplement!

This was a great run for both horses and Roxie and I are definitely ready to take the LEAP up to Intermediate level… exciting! We are out net weekend at Goring Heath for the Intermediate Novice so a last chance to practice Intermediate dressage and SJ before we make our Intermediate debut at South of England in a few weeks time :)”

Follow Sarah on Twitter @sarahgadd

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Hair Rite!!

Thank you very much to Casilda Laird from Co Covan, Ireland, who recently sent these fantastic photos over  of her  stunning black yearling colt miniature horse.

Lesley has been using HairRite since May, read more from her below:

“We are delighted with his coat condition so much so that he won Reserve Supreme Champion Miniature Horse of Ireland 2012 last weekend !

His coat was so black and shiny from using the lick. I have attached a few photos of him shown by my husband for you.”


HairRite is a special form of GlobalVite that helps with correct growth of hair. This is important after horses have lost too much hair from itching in the summer.

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