Monthly Archives: October 2012

Leah and Brigadier hack for St Wilfreds Hospice!

Many congratulations to Leah Bradley and Brigadier who were successful in their quest to hack the length of the South Downs Way! The pair raised over £1200 for  Chichester based Charity, St Wilfreds Hospice.

Leah had asked us to support her by providing her with Movefree Plus and Alphabute.

She said; “The boy stayed cough free and coped very well with the hills and I am sure the Movefree Plus helped him stay supple. The Alpabute helped after the ride when he was a little stiff, because we got chased by a cow on the last day!  However he is fine now and I am so proud of him. Thank you again”.
Well done Leah and Briggy!!
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Fireworx – Lisa Wharram’s story

Last year Lisa’s horses charged up and down the field and took down the electric fencing in sheer panic on firework night. After moving to a house next door to a pub which holds a big display every year Lisa decided she had to do something in preparation for this years event.


“I bought 2 x 250ml bottles of Fireworx and gave it to the horses an hour and a half before the fireworks started. When the first firework went off they all dashed up the field and I was convinced it hadn’t worked, but as I walked up to them in the dark they were all standing there watching them and eating their hay. They stayed there watching them until the very end and when I checked them not one of them had broken into a sweat.

Sorry the photographs aren’t brilliant but it is difficult to take pictures in the pitch black. Your products really are brilliant.”

Thanks Lisa! You can read more about our fantastic calmer Fireworx here.

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Fireworx: No More Panic!

FireworX is the strongest calmer ever from Global Herbs. It is designed for use around October, November and the New Year period, when a large number of explosive fireworks are being used around the country. It can also be used when any horse needs a really strong calming feed supplement and may be useful at clipping time too.

It is a blend of uniquely absorbable magnesium combined with powerful tropical herbs. A safe and healthy feed mix, which will also help boost your horse’s body defences and help make muscles work smoothly and comfortably.

FireworX syrup can be fed when required and works within 1-2 hours.


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