Sponsored rider update: Sarah Gadd

Read below what our brilliant sponsored rider, Sarah Gadd, has been up to.

“Just wanted to give you a quick update on how everything is this end before Christmas and the New Year celebrations begin. We haven’t been out competing much over the last few weeks because of the weather but we have still been doing lots of hacking and training when the school isn’t frozen!

I am also incredibly busy coaching and riding clients horses at the moment which is good. Last weekend I went to a British Dressage training session with Leanne Wall. I took Roxie and got some really good work out of her and Leanne has given us plenty to work on before the next session in January. I was very pleased when she said that Roxie has the potential and is more than capable of going advanced / 4* but I’ve just got to be braver and ask more of her so with our training programme changed slightly we are working harder than ever getting ready for the start of the season in a few months time.

British Dressage training session with Leanne Wall

Milli is working very well and is STILL growing! She’s going to be enormous by the time she stops growing! She had her first set of back shoes on the other day so is now very grown up like Roxie! We are next out competing on the 30th December at a dressage competition and have our first jumping lesson booked for the 28th December which no doubt they will find incredibly exciting as they have only been jumped a few times at home since coming back into work after their holidays!

The video and pictures are from our training session with Leanne and I have left the sound in the video as people have previously commented on little things they have learnt from watching and listening to my training videos 🙂

I hope you have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year 🙂

Many thanks for the support from Global Herbs during 2012 and lets look forward to what will hopefully be a very successful 2013!


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