Sponsored Rider Update: Gaby Lucas

We are delighted to announce that one of our young sponsored riders, Gaby Lucas – a dressage rider based in Essex, has been selected for the 2013-2015 World Class Development programme by the British Equestrian Foundation.

Gaby Lucas

Funded by UK Sport, the Development Programme works with talented riders to maximise their potential and deliver success on the international stage.

Gaby Lucas
Also, many congratulations to Gaby who won an elementary open on Zante with 69% on their first outing of the year last week. Gaby will be competing in the Patchetts Advance Medium Open Regionals today (Thursday 28 February).


Gaby is currently using GlobalVite and also finds our salt licks really useful for her stables, especially when she can’t turn out as much as she would like because of the weather.


Minerals are essential for skin when your horse is out at grass.


The specially formulated minerals, including zinc, are highly absorbable and about as close as you can get to the nutrients that your horse gets from its food

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