Team Global Herbs: Rebecca Cowderoy

Rebecca Cowderoy

Team Global Herbs Rider, Rebecca Cowderoy, a dressage rider and trainer based in Gloucestershire, has had a brilliant result with her horse Celecia, winning the 6 year old class at Addington Premier League show earlier this month with 82.4%.

This fantastic result is even more astounding when you consider that Celecia was very unfortunate to contract EHV1 (Equine Herpes Virus) back in March of this year.

Crows Hill Farm

Rebecca has fed her Global Herbs ImmuPlus and Prebioherb to aid her recovery, and the pair continue to go from strength to strength, heading next to Wellington Premier League, at the beginning of June, to contest the selection trial for the world young horse championships.

We are delighted to be part of the development of this young combination, who are definitely ones to watch for the future!

Immuplus & Prebioherb
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