Meet the team: Becky Darby

“Hi, my name is Becky Darby and I work as part of the Advice Team at Global Herbs HQ. My position involves speaking to customers, providing product advice and support, as well as some general office admin.

The best part of my job is getting to talk about horses all day long! I really enjoy hearing our customers stories and finding out how they are getting on with our products. There’s also a really friendly atmosphere both in the office and on the phones.

Before working for Global Herbs, I worked for a company that specialised in poultry products. Ten years experience in this industry means I am really confident when providing advice on Global Herbs’ new range of poultry supplements


Both of my parents are horsey so I started riding at the age of four. When I was 11 I got my first pony and have had my current horse Fred (picture above) for 10 years. I bought Fred as a 3-year-old ex-racehorse straight off the track and keep him at a yard 15 minutes away from the Global Herbs office.

I feed Mud-X through out the winter, which works wonders, and am currently feeding Globalvite and Movefree Maintenance for a bit of extra support!

Global Herbs Selection

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