Author Archives: Global Herbs

Meet the team: Becky Darby

“Hi, my name is Becky Darby and I work as part of the Advice Team at Global Herbs HQ. My position involves speaking to customers, providing product advice and support, as well as some general office admin.

The best part of my job is getting to talk about horses all day long! I really enjoy hearing our customers stories and finding out how they are getting on with our products. There’s also a really friendly atmosphere both in the office and on the phones.

Before working for Global Herbs, I worked for a company that specialised in poultry products. Ten years experience in this industry means I am really confident when providing advice on Global Herbs’ new range of poultry supplements


Both of my parents are horsey so I started riding at the age of four. When I was 11 I got my first pony and have had my current horse Fred (picture above) for 10 years. I bought Fred as a 3-year-old ex-racehorse straight off the track and keep him at a yard 15 minutes away from the Global Herbs office.

I feed Mud-X through out the winter, which works wonders, and am currently feeding Globalvite and Movefree Maintenance for a bit of extra support!

Global Herbs Selection

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May Winner of our Best Condition class!

Congratulations to May’s winner of the Horse Shows Online Global Herbs Best Condition class, six-year-old Grenwood Bravery, a Welsh Sec D, owned by Vivian Hicks. Well done!!


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Team Global Herbs: Rebecca Cowderoy

Rebecca Cowderoy

Team Global Herbs Rider, Rebecca Cowderoy, a dressage rider and trainer based in Gloucestershire, has had a brilliant result with her horse Celecia, winning the 6 year old class at Addington Premier League show earlier this month with 82.4%.

This fantastic result is even more astounding when you consider that Celecia was very unfortunate to contract EHV1 (Equine Herpes Virus) back in March of this year.

Crows Hill Farm

Rebecca has fed her Global Herbs ImmuPlus and Prebioherb to aid her recovery, and the pair continue to go from strength to strength, heading next to Wellington Premier League, at the beginning of June, to contest the selection trial for the world young horse championships.

We are delighted to be part of the development of this young combination, who are definitely ones to watch for the future!

Immuplus & Prebioherb
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Lucy Blain and Fuzz’s Story: Flyfree

Lucy Blain, a young show jumper, got in touch with us on Instagram to let us know how she had got on with our supplement, Flyfree.


“My horse, Fuzz is your average sensitive Argentinian thoroughbred, who has very sensitive skin and gets extremely irritated by fly bites, sometimes to the point where we can’t put a saddle on him as the bites are so big.

We searched long and hard for a supplement that would help him through the summer months until we found ”FlyFree” from Global Herbs. After about 2 weeks of being on the supplement the flies didn’t bite Fuzz half as much and the fly bites did not gets an inflamed.


This supplement has given Fuzz a carefree summer full of competition with no worry about fly bites or him being uncomfortable, thank you Global Herbs for keeping Fuzz comfortable as he crosses the finish line!”


For more information on Flyfree please click on the image above.

Thank you for getting in touch Lucy! If you would like to share your experience with us please email us on

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Emma & Pep’s Story: Alphabute


“I felt compelled to write to you having recently tried (and subsequently continued using) Alphabute. My horse is a 15.1hh Irish Sport Horse called Pep who is now a grand age of 20. I have owned him from a 6 year old and we have had a busy career together, competing up to BE Novice, BS Discovery and BD Elementary. Pep is my pride and joy and therefore always deserves the best!

Emma Cheyne

We noticed Pep gradually have problems at the start of 2012 and found he was more affected by the weather and ground conditions, and just generally feeling his age. I was looking for anything to use which could help him maintain comfort and stumbled across recommendations for Global Herbs’ Alphabute on an online forum.

I must admit I was cynical when I bought the first tub, having had little success with other brand’s herbal products in the past. Initially I gave Pep 2 scoops full in his evening feed, and was stunned to feel a difference the next morning!


He has been back to his cheeky self and his movement is normal. Pep even made a return to BE eventing and in his only outing of 2012 (due to cancellations etc) he placed 3rd in a very competitive class of 40 and qualified for the Badminton Grassroots Regional Final! He tore around the XC course, relishing every jump and also scored 31.5 in the dressage – not bad for an old man!! Pep is now working at medium level dressage at home and we aim to make our BD medium debut this year.

EmmaCheyneSo, thank you Global Herbs for this fantastic product and for keeping my special lad on the road, as you can see he is gleaming with health, and I hope you will agree how well he looks.”

AlphabuteFor more information on Alphabute please click on the image above.

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Sponsored Rider Update: Sarah Gadd

We had a great day out eventing on Monday with Roxie, despite the weather not being that nice to us!

We were at Tweseldown and it was mine and Roxie’s first attempt at Intermediate level and only her second run of the season, so I was a little nervous if i’m honest! Thankfully it stopped raining just before we got there so on arrival I headed off to walk the XC course. Fence 1 a lovely inviting flower, ‘this looks fine’ I thought…….then there was fence 2, a nice filled in oxer type fence which was just below my shoulder in height and wider than my arm span! I did contemplate turning round and heading home at this point! As I continued to walk the course it got bigger and more technical, but I was getting extremely excited about cracking on with it and giving it a go. I knew to get to have a crack at the XC we had to get round the SJ, which has always been our nemesis and, as usual at Tweseldown, the SJ was a very big track!

Anyway before either jumping discipline we had to do our dressage and as it was only Roxie’s second time out this season she was rather excited to say the least! She did a good test but was slightly tense and it is a test I’ve done many times before so she knows what movement is up next…..and they say horses aren’t clever!?! After our dressage ,when I went to learn the SJ course, I looked at the scores of my arena and they ranged from 27 to 55 so was hoping for somewhere in the middles! We scored 40.9 which isn’t a great score but I know what needs to be worked on for next time.


The SJ course was testing with very few clears and looking at the scores last night only 4 in my arena jumped clear showing how thought the track was! I was determined to jump a good round as couldn’t wait to get out on the XC! It was by far the biggest track I’ve ever jumped on Roxie and she was SUPER! We did pick up 4 penalties at the first part of the triple, which was off a tight turn where many horses were slipping, so to ensure she didn’t slip my approach was too steady! But I was chuffed to bits with our round as it felt the best round I’ve ridden on Roxie in a long time.


So with a great SJ round behind us, it was now all to play for and I couldn’t wait to get out and attack the XC course! I was a little anxious, as she was such a handful at South of England in April, but she proved me right and was more than ready for the step up to intermediate level as she flew round the course making it feel the BE100 track! We did pick up 20 penalties at fence 17a, a skinny brush with a sharp right turn on landing to fence 17b – which was upright racing rails. One thing I hate with a passion are uprights on a XC course! I think because of this I fiddled a bit too much before the skinny, focusing on the upright rails and Roxie just wasn’t quite sure where I wanted her to go! I was very annoyed with myself as it was completely rider error as she was jumping brilliantly all the way round. If i’m honest, I was really quite annoyed with myself when I found out without the XC penalties we would have won! Oh well, there’s always next time.


We did finish 14th in my section so a very respectable result considering it was our first run at this level! I am so so pleased with how it all went!

Best regards,


Follow Sarah on twitter @SarahGadd

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Ella’s Story: Tendoneaze

Victoria Ogden-Pickering & Ella 2

“Ella is a 14.2hh Section D who loves life, dressage and competitions!

However, approximately 3 years ago she sustained an injury to her superficial flexor tendon in her off fore.  She was given 3 months box rest, was a great patient and then walked out in hand every day, slowly building up the time she spent out.

Victoria Ogden-Pickering & Ella 3

Ella was immediately put on Tendoneaze as soon as she sustained the injury and remains on it to this day.

In total Ella spent over 12 months out of a school and spent a further 6 months just hacking.  She was brought back into work very slowly last January (2012) and is now completely competition fit again.  Her leg is just as strong, if not stronger, than before and whilst we are always conscious of it, it causes her no trouble whatsoever.

Victoria Ogden-Pickering & Ella 1

It just goes to show that with time, patience and the correct supplements a full and complete recovery can be made and we are delighted with how Tendoneaze has worked for Ella.

Carole & Victoria Ogden-Pickering”

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It provides the building blocks necessary for rebuilding tissue and helps soothe and calm areas at risk. It is antioxidant, provides minerals for growth and helps with normal circulation to all areas.

  • For routine nutrition for tendons at greater risk eg. Jumping horses and those working on very rough ground
  • For immediate support when you are worried about your horse’s tendons
  • For nutritional support in conjunction with the work of your vet
  • Feed permentantly in difficult horses along with GlobalVite
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“Hi my name is Michelle and I am the Area Sales Manager for the Midlands. This means I get to visit all the stockists in my area, keeping them up to date with our new products, providing staff training and attending their open days etc. This gives me the opportunity to speak to members of the public and give advice.


I love my job because I have a shared interest with my customers and hear so many interesting stories, no two days are ever the same. By far the most rewarding aspect of working for Global Herbs is hearing the amazing feedback from customers about how different supplements have completely transformed their horses.

When I was four years old, I experienced my first pony ride at the beach and was hooked. I begged my parents for riding lessons and birthdays and Christmas wish lists soon became purely filled with The Barbie Horse Collection. I was never allowed my own pony, but I would spend all my spare time at the stables, helping in return for exercising the “naughty ponies” that everyone else refused to ride.


I completed my BHS exams and various equine qualifications whilst I was a working pupil and then went onto work at a wide range of yards, livery, point to point, hunting, dealing, breakers and eventing. During this time, I not only leant how to fall off in every conceivable fashion, (swiftly followed by how to adopt the brace position and stay on most things), I also finally became a horse owner and no longer needed to change the rugs of Barbie’s many steeds.


My all time favourite horse was a small coloured chap called Splash, who I bought as an unbroken four year old. Splash was certainly unique and kept me on my toes, but I had so much fun with him, breaking him in and competing in many disciplines, eventing, show jumping, dressage, team chasing and showing, plus lots of hunting.


 I am currently riding my partners two horses, Billy and Gormless, who are an……erm….. acquired taste! Billy is a legend on the hunting field, but pulls like an absolute train, sees things that don’t exist and weaves to a blur, even when you’re on him. Gormless has anger management issues, an opinion on everything (usually the opposite of your own), and wrote the book on evasions to work, but he is quite amusing in his own special way and just occasionally, he behaves.


 When I’m not sat on a horse, I perch on a saddle of another kind and compete in Triathlon and Time Trial events. As I see it, there are many similarities between the two worlds: both eat into your free time and your bank balance, put an end to any thoughts of a lie in at the weekend, make your legs hurt, expose you to every kind of freak weather system, hurt when you fall off and always leaves you dreaming of a new bit of kit, be it carbon fibre pedals or a new diamante browband, it’s never ending. Both also put a huge smile on my face and going fast gives me a great adrenalin rush. I’d rather go uphill on a horse than a bike any day of the week though!”

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Prepare for Spring!

Don’t be caught out by Spring – the rich, Spring grass and irritating flies will soon be here.


Powerful nutrients that flies really hate.

 Flyfree 1kg

FlyFree help your horse cope with flies but it also helps with general skin condition, keeps the breathing clear and soothes the membranes around the nose and eye.

Laminitis Prone Supplement

Love letting him out

Laminitis Prone

Laminitis Prone Supplement is a nutritional product which helps horses maintain normal, comfortable, senstive laminae. It is  highly effective and can be used in the short term or long term depending on the level of concern that pasture and other feed sources present.

This formula can be effectively used with Rebuilder and Alphabute.


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Katie and Blaze’s Story: GlobalVite

“I emailed you in August 2012 explaining how brilliant GlobalVite was for my horse Blaze. I just wanted to give you an update on him.

This picture  was taken at the end of March, after a long and cold winter. He has only had access to a field a few hours a week due to the wet ground. GlobalVite has kept his coat shiny, body condition and weight fantastic.


I’m so pleased with GlobalVite and will 100% keep him on it throughout summer and into next winter. We are currently competing in local show jumping, just this year we have been placed 1st eight times out of twelve outings, two 2nd’s, one 3rd and one 4th. We hope to affiliate next month, gaining British Show jumping points and prize money. I shall keep you updated on our progress.


Katie Balmer and Blaze.”

Globalvite – The missing link for Equine Nutrition.

Minerals are essential for normal skin and health when your horse is out at grass.

The specially formulated minerals, including zinc, are highly absorbable and about as close as you can get to the nutrients that your horse gets from its food in the wild.

 GlobalVite 3kg

Price Details – RRP

  • Liq 250ml – £29.25
  • 3kg – £24.95
  • 6kg – £45.25
  • 12kg – £84.95


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