Category Archives: Featured Products

Prepare for Spring!

Don’t be caught out by Spring – the rich, Spring grass and irritating flies will soon be here.


Powerful nutrients that flies really hate.

 Flyfree 1kg

FlyFree help your horse cope with flies but it also helps with general skin condition, keeps the breathing clear and soothes the membranes around the nose and eye.

Laminitis Prone Supplement

Love letting him out

Laminitis Prone

Laminitis Prone Supplement is a nutritional product which helps horses maintain normal, comfortable, senstive laminae. It is  highly effective and can be used in the short term or long term depending on the level of concern that pasture and other feed sources present.

This formula can be effectively used with Rebuilder and Alphabute.


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Sponsored Rider Update: Sarah Gadd

“I hope you had a lovely Easter break and the weather is finally looking more like spring weather 🙂

Just to keep you updated, we were out SJing last Thursday with Roxie and Milli at Felbridge. I’m now an eventer-turned-showjumper with so many events being cancelled! I entered the Discovery class on Milli and she jumped really well. She is still jumping SO big over every fence, I think being young she is miss-judging the height slightly and doesn’t want to touch a pole but now she is jumping slightly bigger tracks she is having trouble jumping the bigger spreads and came down on the back rail of a big spread yesterday which resulted in her loosing confidence and stopping at the next, which unfortunately I went on to jump myself!! Not good!

Sarah Gadd Eventing

Although, smashing my face and nearly breaking my nose obviously knocked some sense into me as I rode the best round i’ve ever jumped on Roxie and had she been registered with BS and not jumping on a ticket she would have finished 2nd in the next class 🙂 Thankfully I wasn’t too bruised up the following day…..I was worried I would like like i’d been beaten up or something though I have to say!! 

Sarah Gadd Eventing

I would just like to let you know I am AMAZED at how well the Global Herbs StrongBone supplement has worked on Roxie!! She isn’t on any form of joint supplement and doesn’t feel like she needs it at all. The StrongBone has helped strengthen her hocks so so much that she now has a lot more confidence in herself, that she can get slightly closer to the fences and has the power to push off the floor. Paul, from Ultimate Images was there and he said it was the best round he has seen her jump as well, so thank you for once again making a SUPERB supplement 🙂




For normal strong conformation – especially hock joints

Many horse owners use limestone flower but StrongBone is much more effective. This can be used in any horse as the best possible form of calcium. In the young it ensures proper development of the legs and in older animals it can be used routinely to ensure that the joints remain strong, flexible and sound. In adult horses it is particularly invaluable for maintain hocks in perfect condition.

  • At a low level as a routine supplement to ensure strong normal joints
  • For young stock to ensure normal healthy skeletal system
  • As a food supplement when there has been any damage to bones
  • To help with normal milk production in mares

Price Details

  • 1kg – £16.50
  • 5kg – £73.95

Directions for use

Feed 2 x 25ml (blue scoops) twice daily for an average sized horse over a period of 2-3 months. Maintenance can then be at 1-2 scoops daily indefinitely.

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Sponsored Rider Update: Gaby Lucas

We are delighted to announce that one of our young sponsored riders, Gaby Lucas – a dressage rider based in Essex, has been selected for the 2013-2015 World Class Development programme by the British Equestrian Foundation.

Gaby Lucas

Funded by UK Sport, the Development Programme works with talented riders to maximise their potential and deliver success on the international stage.

Gaby Lucas
Also, many congratulations to Gaby who won an elementary open on Zante with 69% on their first outing of the year last week. Gaby will be competing in the Patchetts Advance Medium Open Regionals today (Thursday 28 February).


Gaby is currently using GlobalVite and also finds our salt licks really useful for her stables, especially when she can’t turn out as much as she would like because of the weather.


Minerals are essential for skin when your horse is out at grass.


The specially formulated minerals, including zinc, are highly absorbable and about as close as you can get to the nutrients that your horse gets from its food

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New Product: SuperCalm Liquid

SuperCalm Liquid

Natural quick calming

SuperCalm Liquid


This new liquid formula provides a palatable approach to calming with SuperCalm.  Liquids are easier to digest and mix in with the feed, as well as providing a fast action.  Alternatively they can be drenched using a syringe if this is necessary. SuperCalm is a traditional formula that provides the best complete approach for a relaxed horse. It is a natural antioxidant and tones the body while soothing the mind, immune system and digestion.


Feeding Instructions


Average sized horses,  500kg: 25 ml once or twice daily

Small horses less than 350kg: 12ml once or twice daily

Large horses more than 800kg: 50ml once or twice daily

Maintenance feeding rates can be half according to requirements

RRP £26.95

Click here to find out more about SuperCalm click here.

SuperCalm Liquid Give Away

**Free Prize Draw** – We’re giving away 3 x 1ltr Bottles of this fantastic product. To be in with a chance simply visit our homepage at and follow the instructions. Good luck!

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New the market: Vitamin-C

Designed to maintain top form, vitality and fitness

Vitamin-C is an amazing plant-based supplement that works just like normal Vitamin-C, but is more stable, stronger and longer acting. It is an excellent source of a phytochemical similar to ascorbic acid, which is a naturally occurring organic compound with antioxidant properties.

Vitamin-C Banner

One of the principle plants involved is Indian Gooseberry. The fruit contains natural chemicals that exert an effect almost identical to Vitamin C.

Indian Gooseberries

The main way to use this formula is as a general daily tonic to help keep your horse in the best shape. This is particularly important when the weather is bad or changeable.

Some tests suggest that excitable horses, who are over-stressed, may cease to produce any ascorbic acid themselves. Research has shown that they may benefit from daily supplies of ascorbic acid, which appears to replace normal endogenous supplies.

Vitamin-C Global Herbs

In summary, use this product for:

  1. Everyday wellbeing, vitality and fitness
  2. To help maintain your horse, free from common problems
  3. When your horse is overstressed

1 Gram of Herbal Vitamin C is equivalent to 1 Gram of normal vitamin C

1 blue scoop (provided with a tub) normally carries 12 grams of powdered Herbal Vitamin C

Small horse up to 300kg – half a scoop once or twice daily

Medium horse up to 500kg – 1 scoop once or twice daily

Large horse up to 800kg – 2 scoops once or twice daily

Because of the safety of this product the rate of feeding can be easily doubled when special needs arise.

RRP: £19.99

Read more about this fantastic product here.

Vitamin_C_1kg_black tub

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Featured Product: MuscleUp


Use to help horses put on muscles easily and look fantastic in ‘no time’.

This product is based on fenugreek. It can be used just to improve general condition or to enhance the natural conformation of top competition horses.

Get top line fast!

Directions for use

Use 2 scoops twice daily to start with reducing to 1 scoop twice daily or less for maintenance.


▪                Helps your horse digest food more efficiently

▪                Helps your horse gain muscle fast

▪                Can be used with all horses




1KG – £19.95

5LTR – £81.95

For more information and testimonials please visit or call the free advice line on 01243 773363

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Fireworx – Lisa Wharram’s story

Last year Lisa’s horses charged up and down the field and took down the electric fencing in sheer panic on firework night. After moving to a house next door to a pub which holds a big display every year Lisa decided she had to do something in preparation for this years event.


“I bought 2 x 250ml bottles of Fireworx and gave it to the horses an hour and a half before the fireworks started. When the first firework went off they all dashed up the field and I was convinced it hadn’t worked, but as I walked up to them in the dark they were all standing there watching them and eating their hay. They stayed there watching them until the very end and when I checked them not one of them had broken into a sweat.

Sorry the photographs aren’t brilliant but it is difficult to take pictures in the pitch black. Your products really are brilliant.”

Thanks Lisa! You can read more about our fantastic calmer Fireworx here.

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Fireworx: No More Panic!

FireworX is the strongest calmer ever from Global Herbs. It is designed for use around October, November and the New Year period, when a large number of explosive fireworks are being used around the country. It can also be used when any horse needs a really strong calming feed supplement and may be useful at clipping time too.

It is a blend of uniquely absorbable magnesium combined with powerful tropical herbs. A safe and healthy feed mix, which will also help boost your horse’s body defences and help make muscles work smoothly and comfortably.

FireworX syrup can be fed when required and works within 1-2 hours.


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Testimonial: Katie Balmer and Blaze

“I bought my first horse about 8 months ago. His name is Blaze and he is an Irish Sport Horse. He found it incredibly hard to keep his weight on through the summer and winter, no matter how much he ate. His coat was dull and he had many rub marks where his hair just wasn’t growing back.
He was very uptight and seemed unhappy most of the time. After about 6 months of this I decided to look for a solution. After searching for answers, I came across Global Herb products.
I bought a tub of GlobalVite on a whim and thinking “It’s probably not going to work, but it’s worth a try!” After 2 months of feeding him the recommended amount, he looks incredible!
I haven’t had to worry about his weight which is a massive relief! All hair that was missing has grown back and it’s in wonderful condition and is gleaming. He seems so much happier and has relaxed an awful lot.
Thank goodness for GlobalVite! Thank you so much Global Herbs!” Katie Balmer

Minerals are essential for skin when your horse is out at grass.

The specially formulated minerals, including zinc, are highly absorbable and about as close as you can get to the nutrients that your horse gets from its food.

  • Equine Mineral Supplement
  • Chelated Minerals
  • Highly Absorbable
  • Supports Natural Defences
  • Maintains Top Condition
  • Supports the Immune System

Testimonial: Sarah Beighton and Buzz

“This is my 6 year old welsh/Arab. I rescued him as a 3 year old stallion. He was found with two mares and two foals which were his. I had him castrated once he was strong enough but I knew that as a used stallion he would always be riggy, and I was right.

He was lovely to break in and a real friendly character towards people. However he is turned out alone and mares are a no no. A Shetland at the yard who is a mare ventured in his field one day and boy she made a quick run for it as he tried to mount her.

Unfortunately that’s all he thinks about…. Until one day I was reading about rig calm. I decided to give it a go. The reviews were very good. After two weeks I had the shock of my life… Little Rosie who had kept her distance of buzz was in his field, and they were grazing side by side. I panicked to begin with she’s old and obviously much smaller, but the minutes turned to hours and then I noticed them both in the field shelter. Well Rosie is now a regular visitor to Buzz’s field and it’s been almost a month and things are going from strength to strength.

I hope one day with the help of Rig Calm retraining his urges he could become a normal horse again with lots of friends. Thanks Global Herbs for giving my boy a friend.” Sarah Beighton.

Calms geldings and stallions

RigCalm is a product designed to help in the management of excitable male horses. It works quickly and effectively and can be used in the long and short term. It is particularly useful for geldings that are showing too much interest in mares and are displaying ’riggy’ type behaviour.

  • In oversexed geldings
  • Stallions not used for breeding which are kept with or competing with mares
  • Colts that have become difficult to manage
