Category Archives: Uncategorized

Featured Product – Laminitis Prone

Laminitis Prone Supplement

Love letting him out


Traditionally laminitis is thought of as a nutritional problem. More recent studies emphasise that hormones are also important. However the state of the digestive process profoundly affects hormones in the body and so many other bodily systems. Thus correct nutrition is vital to horses and ponies that may be prone to laminitis.

LPS is a nutritonal supplement which helps horse maintain normal comfortable senstive laminae. It is highly effective and can be used in the short term or long term, depending on the level of concern that pasture and other feed sources present.

Use of LPS is not a substitute for careful pasture management and horse owners should be particularly careful of lush spring grass or fertilised pasture.

This formula can be effectively used with Rebuilder and Alphabute.

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Read Laminitis Prone Supplement Reviews

  • Makes spring grass safe
  • Makes winter frosty grass safe
  • Maintains normal digestion
  • Maintains normal Liver function
  • Aids good utilisation of feed in general
  • Helps with haylage in the diet
Love letting him out
Directions for use

Can be used through out the year. For an average horse: Introduce slowly into the feed up to maximum of 2 by 25 ml scoops twice daily in the feed per day. Reduce rate of feeding as required depending on level of danger. A minimum level of 1 scoop twice daily should be used.

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Laura Geary and Dinero – Felbridge Combined Training

The latest video from our sponsored rider Laura Geary.

Felbridge first competition of the season – 1st in BE100 combined training.

Showing brothers join Team Global Herbs

We are delighted to announce we will now be sponsoring Dain and Frazer Atherden.

The Showing brothers, based in Lee Common, Buckinghamshire, will be keeping us updated with their latest news, photos and product reviews.

Keep checking this blog to read more or join the conversation on our facebook page.



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Fight the Winter blues with Restore…

Fight the January blues with Restore – The Detoxifier!!!
Help your horse ‘Feel Great’

A liver tonic which revives, helps with movement, and supports general condition and brightness. Results seen in a few days. This formula often enriches the colour of a horse’s coat as the digestion improves.
Use if you want your horse to look like and be a ‘picture of health’. Feed to horses that are in poor condition or are listless despite good feeding and worming.

Routinely use Restore at each change of season – 4 times yearly. We recommend a regular course every 2-3 months for competing horses and the elderly. For those those horses that need constant help it can be used continuously.

Restore can help with changes of feed, and is an excellent aid to convalescence, the work of your vet and for generally assisting energy and performance. Restore is often essential in support of our other herbal products as it aids the digestion and absorption.

“I wanted to say thank you for the amazing results that Restore has had on my horses. My 8 year old TB had liver damage and was very poorly. After just two days on a high dose of Restore he was showing signs of being better and behaving more like his cheeky self! You have to use it to believe the massive difference that it can make to your horse.

This product is now part of my feeding routine prior to winter and coming into the spring. It really improves their wellbeing and their coat condition. I use Restore for my horse and Donkeys and my horse Trooper is on Alpha Bute all the time for his joints and I would highly recommend your products to anyone.”


Young Old Age…

Here are some lovely comments from Belinda Moden on her gorgeous 36-year-old mare Fleur and how our supplement Old Age gave her back her sparkle!

“Fleur is a Shetland that I rescued 12 years ago. Approximately 18 months ago she started to go quiet and loose her sparkle, we were all starting to think she was nearing the end of her many years (she is now 36 years old) so I called Global Herbs and was recommended Old Age. Within a couple of days of starting the herbs she was back to being feisty and playing everybody up, she is a different pony now. At a recent show she won the Veteran Class of about 15 other horses, the judge said she looks and moves well for a horse of her age (and she couldn’t stop laughing at Fleur when she was bucking on the parade lap). I just want to say Thank you for the Old Age that has given her the will to play us up!”

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Thank you Global Herbs fans…

Thank you very much to everyone who has been featured on the Global Herbs blog so far. We love hearing about how you are getting on with our products so if you would like to be included on this blog please email Thank you. GH : )

Lucie McNichol – snapshots from our visit.

Dana from the Global Herbs team recently visited one of our sponsored riders – Wiltshire based 25 year old event rider Lucie McNichol.

Lucie rode her first 4* at Badminton in April 2011 with Zeus of Rushall.”Our dressage was good and we went clear XC, I had the ride of my life! Unfortunately, the night before the showjumping ‘Jimmy’ had a boot rub on his off fore and was sore on it, so we withdrew. He has had the season off while I’ve been concentrating on my younger horses and he is returning to work and looking great for next season where we aim to qualify for Badminton and Burghley, and we will be back to win,” says Lucie.

Judy Douthwaite – Old Age

“These are recent pictures of my 24yr old Irish Draught mare. I am ususlly a bit sceptical when it comes to supplements for my horse, as over the years I have tried numerous ones with no or little effect. WOW, what can I say? Your Old Age is fantastic!!!!!!!. My horse has gone from dawdling out of her stable on a morning to “Where is the door? Let me out!!” My daughter even caught her leaping off all fours in the field the other day.

She is so much happier out on hacks, even having to ask for half halts regularly to contain the energy and bouncing home. After 3 weeks on two scoops twice a day, I have cut down to one twice a day.

People who have not seen her for years have commented on how well she looks and that she acts more like a 6yr old. Together with the feed regime, careful management and your wonderful product I am sure Holly will continue to enjoy life for a good while yet!”

Jess Johnston’s Story – Restore

“My 19 year old thoroughbred gelding has had a rough past (he is an ex-racehorse too) and as a result he has an impaired digestive system. This in turn has left him with leaky gut syndrome, where toxins leak into his system but worst of all for him affect his joints, not good for an arthritic horse. I have just run a course of Restore through him and the results are fantastic. He comes trotting down the field to see me looking like he is floating and we recently placed 3rd out of 15 at Dressage.
He has also not had colic since (touch wood!) and is successfully living out 24/7 without any painful gas build up in his hindgut. His movement has improved endlessly and he is a lot less stiff, as well as him shedding his summer coat a lot quicker than he usually does (yes, he’s getting his winter coat already!) He is a lot happier to be groomed and has stopped trying to bite me when I brush near his tummy. So, thanks for this wonderful product!

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Leap Plus by Becci Leigh Harrold…

“Absolutely amazed at the effects of Leap-Plus. My Jack has never looked or been able to walk so good.  Recommend to anyone! All the dogs feeling better than ever. Especially Jazpa – about to take a dip in the trough (couldn’t jump b4!).”