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Success with Global Herbs by Vivien Gray

“I have two gypsy cobs, both with copious feather and long manes. They both would rub their lower legs against anything they could in order to relieve the itching. Global Herbs, FootStamp has cured this and I know they are much happier now.

“Also, one of the cobs, Buddy, has an allergy to fly bites and during the fly season would rub out his mane and tail causing sores and he would become quite fractious and nervy, not ideal for a driving cob! I was amazed at the difference in his well being after just one week of the supplement FlyFree. He became calm and confident and his mane and tail have grown well with out any  rubbing or sores. I kept a fly rug on him but cut off the neck piece but this was really to keep him clean as he is mainly white.

“I was able to build up his fitness and we did a 5-day drive at the end of June, tethering overnight and he remained calm and worked well. He finished the tub at the end of August and I thought I would see what happened. After about 4 days he started to rub again and was becoming jittery too so I ordered more FlyFree. It came the next day and after three days back on it he became a lovely cob again.

“My other cob, Kastro has some health issues and is much older. He easily gets compacted colic, so your advice was to give him ClearOut. Amazingly since he has had this supplement he has not had colic despite starting to have hay. I am about to order a second tub and also AirwayPlus in readiness for lack of grass and the feeding of hay.

“I am now a completely committed Global Herbs fan and have recommended your products to many people as after years (and loads of money) spent on using various dubious products I have now found products that work and are plant based rather than filling my horses with chemicals.

“Thank you so much.

Vivien Gray.”

The Global Herbs Blog…

Welcome to the brand new Global Herbs UK blog. On this blog we’ll feature your stories and pictures, information on our brilliant products, the very latest news from our fantastic sponsored riders, plus competitions and giveaways.

If you have any questions on our products, you can leave them on the blog and we’ll get straight back to you!