Tag Archives: Carole & Victoria Ogden-Pickering

Ella’s Story: Tendoneaze

Victoria Ogden-Pickering & Ella 2

“Ella is a 14.2hh Section D who loves life, dressage and competitions!

However, approximately 3 years ago she sustained an injury to her superficial flexor tendon in her off fore.  She was given 3 months box rest, was a great patient and then walked out in hand every day, slowly building up the time she spent out.

Victoria Ogden-Pickering & Ella 3

Ella was immediately put on Tendoneaze as soon as she sustained the injury and remains on it to this day.

In total Ella spent over 12 months out of a school and spent a further 6 months just hacking.  She was brought back into work very slowly last January (2012) and is now completely competition fit again.  Her leg is just as strong, if not stronger, than before and whilst we are always conscious of it, it causes her no trouble whatsoever.

Victoria Ogden-Pickering & Ella 1

It just goes to show that with time, patience and the correct supplements a full and complete recovery can be made and we are delighted with how Tendoneaze has worked for Ella.

Carole & Victoria Ogden-Pickering”

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It provides the building blocks necessary for rebuilding tissue and helps soothe and calm areas at risk. It is antioxidant, provides minerals for growth and helps with normal circulation to all areas.

  • For routine nutrition for tendons at greater risk eg. Jumping horses and those working on very rough ground
  • For immediate support when you are worried about your horse’s tendons
  • For nutritional support in conjunction with the work of your vet
  • Feed permentantly in difficult horses along with GlobalVite
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