Tag Archives: Global Herbs Old Age

Young Old Age…

Here are some lovely comments from Belinda Moden on her gorgeous 36-year-old mare Fleur and how our supplement Old Age gave her back her sparkle!

“Fleur is a Shetland that I rescued 12 years ago. Approximately 18 months ago she started to go quiet and loose her sparkle, we were all starting to think she was nearing the end of her many years (she is now 36 years old) so I called Global Herbs and was recommended Old Age. Within a couple of days of starting the herbs she was back to being feisty and playing everybody up, she is a different pony now. At a recent show she won the Veteran Class of about 15 other horses, the judge said she looks and moves well for a horse of her age (and she couldn’t stop laughing at Fleur when she was bucking on the parade lap). I just want to say Thank you for the Old Age that has given her the will to play us up!”

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