Tag Archives: Global Herbs Sarcoids

Sarc-Ex: Helen Roberts’ Story

Matty, my handsome Welsh Section D, is 15 now and first had sarcoids treated at the age of 6. I bought him when he was 9, against the advice of many ‘friends’. Over the years a few sarcoids have started to grow fairly slowly – he had one initially banded and then treated with Liverpool cream.

This spring/summer however the growth rate went up exponentially, on his groin, between his front legs and on his ear.  There was a mixture of virtually every type of sarcoid that is recognized and they were chaining.

The view from Liverpool was that nothing more could be done by way of veterinary intervention. My vet however recommended Sarc-Ex. I was wary, having tried various other herbal treatments to no avail, but decided I would give it a try. For three months nothing much happened, certainly for the first two months I would say they continued to grow. But now, at just shy of 4 months on Sarc-Ex the sarcoids are shrinking. My week by week photo records show me how much they are shrinking and in the case of one ‘golf ball’ under the skin you can see it reducing in size day by day. When the vet came on Friday for his vaccinations she was really impressed with how much smaller they were.

I am truly amazed – I really didn’t think anything could achieve what Sarc-Ex is doing for Matty’s sarcoids. The other great thing is the impact on his general health. As well as (his first love) showjumping, I do also show him in both M&M and riding Club horse classes. He’s won his classes and the overall championship the last two times out and in both cases the 2 judges who have seen him on a number of occasions over the last 6 years have both said they have never seen him looking so well – the only change to his routine or feed is Sarc-Ex…so than you for that too.

Matty is my hero horse, a superstar loved by all who ever meet him. To have found something that is enabling him to fight his sarcoids is, without wanting to sound too cheesy, a dream come true!

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