Tag Archives: Global Herbs Shake Free

Rachael Stokes and Zarina’s story: Shakefree

Thank you to Rachael who sent us this great testimonial for Shakefree. Read her story below.

“I have recently started using Global Herbs Shakefree Liquid for my horse Zarina.  She has a real aversion to flies, and during the summer period when I am riding she will spend a lot of her time distracted, twitching or throwing her head to avoid them.  We have tried all sorts of things to prevent this, potent fly repellents, fly ears, nose nets, Vaseline and Vicks on the end of her nose – none of which seemed to make the slightest bit of difference.  Some evenings at the end of my tether I would resign to the indoor arena in an attempt to get some constructive work done.

Hacking out would be stressful instead of a relaxing experience and at competitions the overall picture of my lovely horse would be ruined by the constant twitching distraction.  As the eventing season takes place over the summer period, you can imagine how this has been an additional worry when competing – believe it or not to avoid the flies we often prayed for wind and rain!!

However, since putting her on Shakefree I cannot get over the difference in her.  I have been able to school outside without her getting irate or upset, we have gone on long hacks without her desperately trying to jog home launching her head about to rid of the things, and just generally she has been much happier in the field without mithering about at the gate wanting to get back inside.  As a fussy eater the liquid suits her much better and I really cannot recommend it enough – you could tell the difference within days of her being on it. ”


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