Tag Archives: Michelle Wright Cycling


“Hi my name is Michelle and I am the Area Sales Manager for the Midlands. This means I get to visit all the stockists in my area, keeping them up to date with our new products, providing staff training and attending their open days etc. This gives me the opportunity to speak to members of the public and give advice.


I love my job because I have a shared interest with my customers and hear so many interesting stories, no two days are ever the same. By far the most rewarding aspect of working for Global Herbs is hearing the amazing feedback from customers about how different supplements have completely transformed their horses.

When I was four years old, I experienced my first pony ride at the beach and was hooked. I begged my parents for riding lessons and birthdays and Christmas wish lists soon became purely filled with The Barbie Horse Collection. I was never allowed my own pony, but I would spend all my spare time at the stables, helping in return for exercising the “naughty ponies” that everyone else refused to ride.


I completed my BHS exams and various equine qualifications whilst I was a working pupil and then went onto work at a wide range of yards, livery, point to point, hunting, dealing, breakers and eventing. During this time, I not only leant how to fall off in every conceivable fashion, (swiftly followed by how to adopt the brace position and stay on most things), I also finally became a horse owner and no longer needed to change the rugs of Barbie’s many steeds.


My all time favourite horse was a small coloured chap called Splash, who I bought as an unbroken four year old. Splash was certainly unique and kept me on my toes, but I had so much fun with him, breaking him in and competing in many disciplines, eventing, show jumping, dressage, team chasing and showing, plus lots of hunting.


 I am currently riding my partners two horses, Billy and Gormless, who are an……erm….. acquired taste! Billy is a legend on the hunting field, but pulls like an absolute train, sees things that don’t exist and weaves to a blur, even when you’re on him. Gormless has anger management issues, an opinion on everything (usually the opposite of your own), and wrote the book on evasions to work, but he is quite amusing in his own special way and just occasionally, he behaves.


 When I’m not sat on a horse, I perch on a saddle of another kind and compete in Triathlon and Time Trial events. As I see it, there are many similarities between the two worlds: both eat into your free time and your bank balance, put an end to any thoughts of a lie in at the weekend, make your legs hurt, expose you to every kind of freak weather system, hurt when you fall off and always leaves you dreaming of a new bit of kit, be it carbon fibre pedals or a new diamante browband, it’s never ending. Both also put a huge smile on my face and going fast gives me a great adrenalin rush. I’d rather go uphill on a horse than a bike any day of the week though!”

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