Tag Archives: Sponsored Rider

Sponsored Rider: Sarah Gadd Update…

Sarah Gadd is one of our brilliant sponsored riders and a Global Herbs fanatic! She had fantastic results with Sarc-Ex when she fed it to her ex-racehorse Still Learning (Roxie) and she now uses many of our products to keep her three Eventers in top shape.

All her horses are fed GlobalVite for all round vitamin and mineral support and Roxie, her top horse, is also fed FriskyMare Plus and MSM. Sarah recently took her to a 2* and 3* Training Clinic. Keep reading to see how she got on and for more info on how her horses benefit from Global Herbs.

“We had a great day at Knowle Farm on Sunday for the 2* and 3* Training Clinic with Gill Watson! Both Roxie and I learnt lots and also met some great people.

We started off the day meeting in the coffee room all stood round the fire to keep warm. We had a breif talk before going and tacking up, ready for our first lesson, which was Dressage. We warmed up and worked on some 2* and 3* movements before running through the 2* A Dressage test, which was judged by Gill and the other people that weren’t riding. When I had to judge Hannah’s test with Roweena it made me realise how quick the Dressage judges have to think as each movement / mark comes up so quickly!

Once we had all ridden we went and sat back around the fire to defrost and have a bite to eat. Whilst we had some lunch we watched our tests back on the TV after Alice had very kindly videoed them all for us. Gill went through our marks whilst we were watching the tests so it was very interesting hearing from Gill what the judges are really looking for in each of the movements. We all took down many notes whilst listening too! After we had watched our videos we had a talk with Robin Balfour on FEI rules. This was very interesting and we all realised that we didn’t know as many as we proably should and the British Eventing rules are quite different to the FEI Eventing rules…..some bedtime reading for me then!

After lunch we went and tacked up again to begin our Show Jumping lesson. Before we started jumping we did lots of work on getting them really listening to the riders aids. To do this we worked them on serpentines in trot and canter, each time we crossed the centre line we changed the pace, either through walk, trot or by doing a flying change. This really helped get Roxie nice and supple and listening to me. During our Show Jumping lesson we worked on related distances, some slightly short distances, some slightly longer distances and some on the correct striding. To finish off we linked them all together as a small course and had to react very quickly on landing after each fence making sure we had the correct canter needed for the next line of jumps.

We have lots coming up in the near future so keep checking back for regualr updates on what’s going on at Sarah Gadd Eventing.

So, until next time,

Check out some more pictures from Sarah Gadd Eventing below.

Diamond Mill (Milli) is Sarah’s 4 year old home bred and is a very exciting prospect. She is now starting to go out competing and Sarah has started feeding her Muscle Up to help support her development and build top line. We are looking forward to bringing you ‘Before and After’ pictures to show you just how well it works.

Dress Sense (Sabrina) is also an ex-racer, and started affiliated Eventing last year. She benefits hugely from SuperCalm not only when being ridden, but also on the yard and in the field. A relaxed and happy horse will perform better!

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