Tag Archives: Supplement

Featured Product – Laminitis Prone

Laminitis Prone Supplement

Love letting him out


Traditionally laminitis is thought of as a nutritional problem. More recent studies emphasise that hormones are also important. However the state of the digestive process profoundly affects hormones in the body and so many other bodily systems. Thus correct nutrition is vital to horses and ponies that may be prone to laminitis.

LPS is a nutritonal supplement which helps horse maintain normal comfortable senstive laminae. It is highly effective and can be used in the short term or long term, depending on the level of concern that pasture and other feed sources present.

Use of LPS is not a substitute for careful pasture management and horse owners should be particularly careful of lush spring grass or fertilised pasture.

This formula can be effectively used with Rebuilder and Alphabute.

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Read Laminitis Prone Supplement Reviews

  • Makes spring grass safe
  • Makes winter frosty grass safe
  • Maintains normal digestion
  • Maintains normal Liver function
  • Aids good utilisation of feed in general
  • Helps with haylage in the diet
Love letting him out
Directions for use

Can be used through out the year. For an average horse: Introduce slowly into the feed up to maximum of 2 by 25 ml scoops twice daily in the feed per day. Reduce rate of feeding as required depending on level of danger. A minimum level of 1 scoop twice daily should be used.

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Jess Johnston’s Story – Restore

“My 19 year old thoroughbred gelding has had a rough past (he is an ex-racehorse too) and as a result he has an impaired digestive system. This in turn has left him with leaky gut syndrome, where toxins leak into his system but worst of all for him affect his joints, not good for an arthritic horse. I have just run a course of Restore through him and the results are fantastic. He comes trotting down the field to see me looking like he is floating and we recently placed 3rd out of 15 at Dressage.
He has also not had colic since (touch wood!) and is successfully living out 24/7 without any painful gas build up in his hindgut. His movement has improved endlessly and he is a lot less stiff, as well as him shedding his summer coat a lot quicker than he usually does (yes, he’s getting his winter coat already!) He is a lot happier to be groomed and has stopped trying to bite me when I brush near his tummy. So, thanks for this wonderful product!

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