Tag Archives: TENDONEAZE

Ella’s Story: Tendoneaze

Victoria Ogden-Pickering & Ella 2

“Ella is a 14.2hh Section D who loves life, dressage and competitions!

However, approximately 3 years ago she sustained an injury to her superficial flexor tendon in her off fore.  She was given 3 months box rest, was a great patient and then walked out in hand every day, slowly building up the time she spent out.

Victoria Ogden-Pickering & Ella 3

Ella was immediately put on Tendoneaze as soon as she sustained the injury and remains on it to this day.

In total Ella spent over 12 months out of a school and spent a further 6 months just hacking.  She was brought back into work very slowly last January (2012) and is now completely competition fit again.  Her leg is just as strong, if not stronger, than before and whilst we are always conscious of it, it causes her no trouble whatsoever.

Victoria Ogden-Pickering & Ella 1

It just goes to show that with time, patience and the correct supplements a full and complete recovery can be made and we are delighted with how Tendoneaze has worked for Ella.

Carole & Victoria Ogden-Pickering”

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It provides the building blocks necessary for rebuilding tissue and helps soothe and calm areas at risk. It is antioxidant, provides minerals for growth and helps with normal circulation to all areas.

  • For routine nutrition for tendons at greater risk eg. Jumping horses and those working on very rough ground
  • For immediate support when you are worried about your horse’s tendons
  • For nutritional support in conjunction with the work of your vet
  • Feed permentantly in difficult horses along with GlobalVite
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Zara Brown’s Story – Restore, Lymphblend, Tendoneaze

“Can I just start by saying what a wonderful helpline to assist all my queries, and such great advice and enthusiasm from the staff for my horses ailments to get better. My miniature horse last year, that is a show champion but also essential companion to my sports horses, developed impaction colic and from the drugs developed chemical laminitis. She was extremely poorly and was on deaths door on numerous occasions but we would not give up. I was in my local retailers and told them the predicament and they immediately advised Global Herbs products. I tried Restore on their advice and within 2 weeks, the horse that I was nursing for 5 months in the stable, listless and would only stand for a short period of time was back to her inquisitive, cheeky nature.

After 3 weeks she took off across the field bucking and squealing stirring her companions into a frenzy, when she was the quiet one. She is now so full of life and turned out with the large horse she does not come in at night being ‘feely’ and sore. I first contacted your company when one of my horses contracted sever lymphangitis. My vet originally thought the hind limb was fractur

ed, but upon further investigation it was determined it was not. As I was injecting twice a day with aggressive antibiotics, I contacted you as I wanted something herbal that would aid in the recovery process. I was advised to feed Lymphblend and Restore.

She had started to go off her feed due to the drugs and from taking restore it brought back her healthy appetite. The Lymphblend had a tremendous affect and being such a severe case, the vet was surprised to find she was completely sound within a week, all swelling had disappeared and full mobility was retained. She had not any side affects and was gleaming with health. On veterinary advice she was advised to keep moving with turnout and turned out 12 hours daily. Every morning she would gallop around the field, prancing and snorting with her tail in the air. What a transformation from 7 days earlier, I cannot thank you enough. She is now on maintenance level of Restore and is the picture of health.

Unfortunately my other horse a few weeks later sustained a terrible injury in the field whilst turned out, puncturing her tendon sheath in the hind leg, it was extremely life threatening and the vets prognosis was very guarded. I again contacted the helpline and received lovely support and advice from staff that are horse owners themselves and was advised to give her TendoneazeShe spent a week at the vets flushing out the leg and trying to save it, she was box rested and injected for 10 days and was quite a difficult patient. On her return home I was advised that she could commence 5 minutes hand walking at a time to strengthen the leg. On her second outing it all became too much for a 4 year old fit Thoroughbred and she was unmanageable to handle safely.

Box rest was also not working as she was kicking the walls which would not aid in the recovery of her leg. After discussions with my vet we felt she had to be turned out for the safety of everyone involved and would just have to ensure she did not undo the work at the vets. She was a lot better in the field and every day watched the progression of her leg continue to heal. After a few weeks she trotted in the field sound and I was astounded. I was in weekly contact with the vet to ensure her recovery was ok and if any changes in her leg showed we could act upon them before it got too bad.After 3 weeks my vet advised I could start hacking in walk to see how her leg coped, a month on I am pleased to say she is back to full hacking and light schooling.
The difference in the leg is remarkable, there is no scar or mark and all hair has grown back, the slight thickening around the trauma area has all disappeared and you cannot tell she had the injury.  On checking her leg my vet was amazed at the recovery and textbook wise she should not be walking never mind going to competition level again. I am absolutely sure that these horses recoveries would not have been so amazing without the help of the herbs and I am very grateful for the help, advice and support from your company. Please see the attached picture of the three horses that benefited so greatly from these amazing products. Zara.”
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